Tyler French

Results 23 comments of Tyler French

We may want to consider having a different `attr` marked as the "identifier" for different rule kinds. For example, with gazelle overrides, we use `path` as the identifier. That way...

Still noticing this: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools?tab=versions This may be due to the missing `v` prefix from the `tags`.

It would be great to adjust this to make it easier to update: ``` go install github.com/bazelbuild/[email protected] ``` This is helpful when we build binaries from source locally for security/environment...

Any updates here? The latest version is currently still marked as `"v0.0.0-20230413151140-7044e4b0e521",` in https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools?tab=versions

@fmeum should we use the "incompatible" tag since the major version is >2? https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#can-a-module-consume-a-v2-package-that-has-not-opted-into-modules-what-does-incompatible-mean

> It makes sense to change versioning to v1.x.y, I just wonder if anything needs to be done to the old versions that have the outdated versioning scheme. Should I...

@fmeum @vladmos @linzhp I would like to revisit this, as I see its referenced in in https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/issues/1237 and https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/issues/967 My recommendation is just to prepend a `v0.` to the existing...

I think as long as we keep the old archives and tags available, and also communicate this change, it should be fine.

> Also, is it allowed to have a 4-numbers version? E.g. if the current Bazel release is 7.1.x and I want to make multiple buildtools releases, they'll be called v0.7.1.0,...

> @tyler-french / @fmeum if you have time in the next release cycle: it'd be great to get this in. It would allow cloudflare/circl#492 to build without modification to the...