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released versions on`

Open goddenrich opened this issue 1 year ago • 23 comments

I noticed the tool has been released as v5.1.0 but v0.0.0-xxx is the latest release on[email protected]. Are you planning to release the versioned releases here and so they appear at eg.

goddenrich avatar Nov 08 '22 17:11 goddenrich

Still noticing this: This may be due to the missing v prefix from the tags.

tyler-french avatar Mar 15 '23 17:03 tyler-french


fmeum avatar Mar 15 '23 17:03 fmeum

It would be great to adjust this to make it easier to update:

go install[email protected]

This is helpful when we build binaries from source locally for security/environment reasons.

tyler-french avatar Mar 15 '23 17:03 tyler-french

Any updates here? The latest version is currently still marked as "v0.0.0-20230413151140-7044e4b0e521", in

tyler-french avatar Apr 20 '23 15:04 tyler-french

How do these versions get released on I only push releases here on Github and to NPM.

vladmos avatar Apr 26 '23 14:04 vladmos

@vladmos They are picked up automatically as new tags are added and requested by users. That is also why the format of the tag (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3) is important.

fmeum avatar Apr 26 '23 14:04 fmeum

I've just released a new technical version tagged v6.1.2. Should it eventually appear on or does anything need to be done manually?

vladmos avatar Apr 27 '23 14:04 vladmos

@vladmos It should, but I missed an important point: Go modules tend to not increase their major semver version that often and when they do, their import path needs to be modified as well (in this case, to include the /v6 suffix). The "version with Bazel" approach unfortunately appears to be at odds with Go's module versioning scheme.

Assuming backwards compatibility is ensures, would it be possible to move the Bazel version into the minor version?

fmeum avatar Apr 27 '23 14:04 fmeum

@fmeum should we use the "incompatible" tag since the major version is >2?

tyler-french avatar Apr 27 '23 14:04 tyler-french

@tyler-french I have never used it myself, how would this look like?

I just noticed that Bazel CI doesn't seem to be prepared to handle the semantic versioning format:

@vladmos Switching to Go-compatible tags doesn't seem to be possible. It's probably best to delete the v6.1.2 release and/or release 6.1.3 (without the v) to restore Bazel CI. Now that we know how troublesome changing the scheme is, we could address these issues one by one before attempting to use semantic versions again. Sorry for the confusion, I underestimated how difficult this switch would be.

fmeum avatar Apr 27 '23 14:04 fmeum

I fixed it on the CI side, it should work again (with both versions with v and without).

Now, is there a way to make it work with go modules without changing the import path? For buildtools the version just matches the current Bazel's version (to make it easier to keep both tools in sync), changing the import path can bring more problems than solve.

vladmos avatar Apr 27 '23 16:04 vladmos

I checked the docs and I think that this would only be possible for non-module projects via +incompatible, but we certainly want to keep the go.mod for buildtools.

Which essentially only leaves one alternative: Adopt a versioning scheme where Bazel version X.Y.Z corresponds to buildtools version v1.X.Y. @vladmos Do you think that could work?

rules_go is working on consolidating Go depencies that are also Bzlmod dependencies (see and consistent version identifiers between the two worlds would be very helpful.

fmeum avatar May 05 '23 16:05 fmeum

It makes sense to change versioning to v1.x.y, I just wonder if anything needs to be done to the old versions that have the outdated versioning scheme. Should I just remove them from Github releases and/or tags?

vladmos avatar May 10 '23 13:05 vladmos

It makes sense to change versioning to v1.x.y, I just wonder if anything needs to be done to the old versions that have the outdated versioning scheme. Should I just remove them from Github releases and/or tags?

If you delete the Github releases and/or tags, does it also delete the archives?

I think it would be OK to keep them both for now, and then communicate to consumers that they should be using the v1.X.Y.

We would probably also want to make sure Bazel/Bzlmod consumers and the BCR have a safe way to "redact" or block certain versions.

After this transition period, then it's probably safe to remove/delete the old tags (although the archives should probably stay preserved).

Thoughts @fmeum?

tyler-french avatar May 10 '23 15:05 tyler-french

@fmeum @vladmos @linzhp I would like to revisit this, as I see its referenced in in and

My recommendation is just to prepend a v0. to the existing versions to release tags to Go. Benefits here:

  • v0 comes with the understanding of breaking changes in minor versions (
  • Compatibility with go mod tidy and in general versions on
  • Can exactly correspond to existing versions in Bazel (Go v0.6.2 -> 6.2)

tyler-french avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 tyler-french

@tyler-french I don't have experience with retroactive editing of already released versions, do you know if it can break anything? Also I could just remove old versions, they don't have much value anyway.

Another question is that the same versions are being released with npm (i.e. and, should those versions also get the "0." prefix? Can they be edited too?

vladmos avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 vladmos

@vladmos You don't need to edit existing versions. Since they lack the v prefix, they are being ignored by any kind of Go tooling anyway. New versions would need to follow the v0.6.2 pattern though. If you want to signal a desire to preserve backwards compatibility, you could also make it v1.6.2.

fmeum avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 fmeum

Should I at least edit the few versions that do have the v prefix, starting from v6.1.2? Do I need to make any changes to the code structure to support that (e.g. move the code into a v0/ directory)?

For the NPM packages I guess I'll need to either rename or delete old versions anyway, the v-prefix is stripped there and there's no way to understand that e.g. 0.7.2 is greater than 7.1.0.

vladmos avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 vladmos

I think as long as we keep the old archives and tags available, and also communicate this change, it should be fine.

tyler-french avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 tyler-french

@vladmos Those versions are also ignored as they violate the path structure: any vX.Y.Z with X>=2 needs to be in a vX directory. So you don't need to edit those either. You also don't need to change the directory layout when using X=0 or X=1.

fmeum avatar Apr 12 '24 15:04 fmeum

But if I just install a package using npm install it'll fetch the largest version not knowing that starting from e.g. 7.3 the versions are now all 0.x.x. And even if I remove the old versions, if the already installed on a machine is 7.1.0, npm won't update it with 0.7.2.

What if I use v0.x.y tags on Github, but the versions reported by binaries with --version (not so important) and the versions on npm will have the v.0. prefix stripped, so they'll basically continue following the existing pattern? Will that be working or am I missing something?

Also, is it allowed to have a 4-numbers version? E.g. if the current Bazel release is 7.1.x and I want to make multiple buildtools releases, they'll be called v0.7.1.0, v0.7.1.1, etc.

vladmos avatar Apr 12 '24 16:04 vladmos

Yes, NPM is (presumably) different. I was just referring to the Go versions. You could continue publishing 7.2.0 versions for NPM and 0.7.2 versions for Go. Both don't allow four version segments as far as I know.

What if I use v0.x.y tags on Github, but the versions reported by binaries with --version (not so important) and the versions on npm will have the v.0. prefix stripped, so they'll basically continue following the existing pattern? Will that be working or am I missing something?

I think that would be fine, although perhaps a bit confusing for users.

fmeum avatar Apr 12 '24 16:04 fmeum

Also, is it allowed to have a 4-numbers version? E.g. if the current Bazel release is 7.1.x and I want to make multiple buildtools releases, they'll be called v0.7.1.0, v0.7.1.1, etc.

No, it is not unfortunately

tyler-french avatar Apr 12 '24 16:04 tyler-french