Tyler Bigler

Results 26 comments of Tyler Bigler

Looks like I can't fix those errors as `include_tasks` [was introduced](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/include_tasks_module.html) in Ansible 2.4 and the CI test is with Ansible 1.9.

Sorry I'm not very familiar with TravisCI (still new at this stuff). Is there a way to specify another test entirely, since 2.0 still wouldn't be high enough for `include_tasks`.

Per the [Ansible documentation](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/include_tasks_module.html), it was introduced in Ansible 2.4.0 (released September 2017) along with a depreciation message (seen in my OP).

drf_openapi has been deprecated in favor of https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg/

Related: https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/2669 Some people want to be able to duplicate names. Device name != DNS name FWIW I made a custom validator that provides this functionality should this FR not...

> change the enforcement to case insensitive where currently enforced Right - this makes sense to me. The uniqueness is already enforced in certain scenarios today in core NetBox, and...

> reason why we used uwsgi from package repositories instead of within the virtualenv It's still being installed via `pip`, just not in a `venv`. > faster to keep a...

I should also mention that I was getting errors from this task https://github.com/lae/ansible-role-netbox/blob/dbead6819c0bd65aecc511404453e6b9c210ab7a/tasks/main.yml#L55 because `psycopg2` wasn't being re-installed under the new version of Python. Not entirely sure why that was...

I'll say this, I've done a local fork of this playbook that uses a virtualenv-installed version of `uwsgi` this past week without any issues. It makes the most sense to...

I did an upgrade from 2.10.10 to 3.1.11 using #141 and it went smoothly.