Tarcisio Gruppi

Results 15 comments of Tarcisio Gruppi

I'm not using meteor for a while (sadly), but while I was creating this package I had a 'i18n' folder with a file per language and those files where loaded...

Hi @ThomasWeiser, I'm really interested in this project and I would like to help you to update it to Elm 0.18 but I'm not that advanced in Elm so if...

Hey everyone. I would like to revive this thread. I would love to have basic HTTP requests to work with some scores/raking.

@JalonSolov but it is still a type. Why not highlight it as one. I think this is not a dicussion to have in this repo but shouldn't `i32` by the...

@JalonSolov I updated the PR to only include `i32` in the numeric type list. Same place where `u8` is defined. This should fix `i32` being the _different one_. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91159/153032040-83c46330-aedb-4ab0-92a4-9f5097f17713.png)

@JalonSolov @yuyi98 @spytheman I think this one will make everyone happy.

The benchmarks. Int version: `Summary for done: 10000 passed, 10000 total. Runtime: 5459 ms.` Opt version: `Summary for done: 10000 passed, 10000 total. Runtime: 5130 ms.` Each code was built...

Any change we make will be a breaking change. In the current state we have some methods returning `int` and some returning `?int`. My reason for this MR was to...