
Results 62 comments of Simon

Hey @hoang17 I didn't have immediate need at the time and decided to defer adding new types until the need arrives. It is possible that the time is now :)...

@janwirth , I haven't looked at It looks pretty awesome, thanks! There are two things that came to my mind: 1. `union-types` has transparent types for union values, e.g....

Hi @kahnc, sorry for such a long response. Needed to take a break from being active on GitHub. That is a very good question! In fact I was thinking about...

Hey, Thanks for the request! it is technically possible to use an interesting trick with `const` declarations ```ts const Obj = { prop: Obj // Error: Block-scoped variable 'Obj' used...

@m0nkfish that's awesome! I wonder how matching will work with `Self`, essentially matching is also recursive. Do you have an API sketch in mind?

Upd: I didn't forget about this feature request. I'm working on a new feature: matching tuple of unions, and I don't want to focus on a new feature until I...

Could you provide a little bit more context what you would like to do and why? One of the explicit decisions I made is to make data structures for values...

No worries! Got it. I made a design decision that the shape of the union values is opaque to developer (partially because that how it works in rust/swift etc). Fun...

@MiracleBlue Thank you so much for such kind words

@MiracleBlue Nice! I need a good css solution so badly. Offtopic: Here is what I have in mind: (both index.ts and dynStyles.ts) But for that probably plugin compiler API...