Tun Win Naing

Results 24 comments of Tun Win Naing

https://gist.github.com/kerrizor/8bb8f1528c88789c3435 ```ruby # test/test_helper.rb # your other require module BulletHelper def before_setup Bullet.start_request super if defined?(super) end def after_teardown super if defined?(super) Bullet.perform_out_of_channel_notifications if Bullet.notification? Bullet.end_request end end class ActiveSupport::TestCase...

`0e11dbb` works well with where array.

The #278 build is failing in Travis CI and I do not think @ryanb will merge the PR. @naimrajib07 could you create the PR with your fix?

I think you problem is the same as #359

@yfractal , I read [Ryan's Nested Form screencast comment](http://railscasts.com/episodes/196-nested-model-form-revised?view=comments) and used cocoon gem for my requirement. nested_form rocks and I still using nested_form for others.

> Maybe I can istrduce some method like sheet.recalculate which would do that if user wants. What is you point of view on this @twnaing ? @gorn, this approach will...

In [this discussion](https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/12165/calc-auto-recalc-does-not-work/), LibreOffice support replied there are two reasons auto calculation does not work - LibreOffice program setting (you just mentioned) - cell setting (this could be the problem...

Subsequent reply stated that (I haven’t try it yet myself) > The solution to this was found by my coworker. It was to set the /OOXMLRecalcMode/ option in /~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu/ to...

The following website describes how to do it for 2.10 https://www.maketecheasier.com/make-gimp-look-like-photoshop/ mv ~/.config/GIMP/2.10 ~/.config/GIMP/2.10.OLD cd ~/.config/GIMP/ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/doctormo/GimpPs.git 2.10 I haven't tried it yet. ## Linux: For GIMP...

Subscribing this issue for any update. Meanwhile, I am using extra column in parent model of ActionText (to store plain text) and use the column for Ransack search. Thanks @MtnBiker...