Tun Win Naing

Results 24 comments of Tun Win Naing

In my Rails 5.x app with bootstrap 3, I have to add ```ruby resource '/assets/**/*', header: :any, methods: %i[get] ``` to make glyphicons work.

I made the following changes and I think it is using XDG based directory now. ``` diff --git a/lua/core/init.lua b/lua/core/init.lua index a1cf392..9f58c9a 100644 --- a/lua/core/init.lua +++ b/lua/core/init.lua @@ -2,19 +2,18...

I thought the number displayed is a bug. After reading [this](https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/15437/use-of-foldcolumns-in-vim), I understand it is a feature.

@csha06 the completion setup is done like this ```bash $ zinit cdlist # ... compdef _zlua_zsh_tab_completion _zlua # ... ``` to fix the completion just add the following in .zshrc...

I have the same problem [here](https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim/issues/184). I am not very proficient at vimscript, but the plugin tries to do it here. ```vimscript # https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim/blob/master/plugin/editorconfig.vim#L259 function! s:EditorConfigEnable(should_enable) augroup editorconfig autocmd! if...

I am seeing this on ArchLinux. EDIT: IIRC, it started when I inserted ```bash zgenom compile .zshrc zgenom compile $ZDOTDIR ``` after the `zgenom save` line in `.zsh-quickstart-local-plugins` file. @unixorn

OMG, `time zsh -i -c exit` gave me over 10s to open the shell. I ~~commented out most of the oh-my-zsh and other things~~ replaced nvm with fnm and I...

zgen-update takes most of the time. I tried this setup with zinit (__turbo mode__) instead of zgen and zsh takes ~0.2 sec to start. ## Pros - zsh start-up time...

To my experience, authentication is only required to remote control. For installation only you don't need it. Just uncheck "remote control".

In my case, - point No. 1 is true - point No. 2 is also true - for point No. 3 I have different results with different servers. I have...