Tommy Allen

Results 72 comments of Tommy Allen

@justinmk I am able to generate better (IMO) html docs, but the script isn't as simple as ``. I'll work on cleaning it up and generating a set sometime in...

Got my ancient script sorted out enough to generate some HTML: (Home server, so might be offline occasionally) It still needs to be cleaned up a little and documented....

> @tweekmonster The docs may look better if we get rid of the vim modelines in each file? I'll defer such decisions to Justin. My opinion is that they're at...

@knight42 Really sorry for not replying sooner. I got caught up in some personal stuff + work related pressure. I'm going to try and get this dealt with this week....

Woah, that's really good! How did you pull that together so fast?! I think it could use a couple more lines (you know, because *any* line). It should have different...

This looks like a bug in removing spaces in slices. I think it's treating the `[ ]` list delimiters as slice delimiters. I can't get to this right now, but...

Yeah, this is due to a bit of goofiness in the way block matching works. Decorators are seen as part of the function, so it's correctly (questionable) indenting what it...

What I meant by it being questionably correct is that a decorator *is* part of the function's block (as far as `braceless` is concerned). If you type `vaP`, just the...

There isn't a way to jump between *top level* blocks. As mentioned in #37, you can disable the maps for `[[` and `]]` to retain the maps set by the...

> So then my question is whether having a way to jump between top level blocks is something that is useful? I think it's useful and I'm open to suggestions....