Thomas Clegg

Results 34 comments of Thomas Clegg

It seems that all those phone numbers are invalid URL country_code_source appspot result csharp result FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN isValidNumber -> false `+55 999830563` FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD isValidNumber -> false `NumberParseException` FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN...

That number in NSN with country code and E164 both show as valid with even with versions of the library at least a year old.

Sorry, I confused this with an issue filed yesterday. This I'll to try to make some time to better dig into the issue. and National Significant Number

This library intends to match the behavior the the Google's Java version feel free to file an issue with them

The same result shows here please open the issue with Google

@swtanggara The port is most certainly lacking compared to the source. I've been working to bring it up to parity since I took over keeping it up to date. If...

It hasn't been a priority given that there hasn't been any discussion for this is quite a while. It does seem like it should be straightforward enough to port though,...

That is an invalid number, perhaps famously so See the behavior here

There are plans for it and it is partially done in I have yet to find the time to get back to that, it needs to get split up...

Is there an issue that you are facing? The [unit tests]( purposely do not contain the [full metadata]( It seems like it is working fine here