Tushar Mathur

Results 210 comments of Tushar Mathur

This looks good @rajcspsg ! Could you please add some unit tests also for this.

@whmountains have u seen passive event listeners https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/06/passive-event-listeners

For our use-case (100kb of env variables) we get an out of memory error — ``` java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at scala.collection.immutable.BitmapIndexedMapNode.copyAndSetNode(HashMap.scala:937) at scala.collection.immutable.BitmapIndexedMapNode.updated(HashMap.scala:730) at scala.collection.immutable.HashMap.updated(HashMap.scala:152) at scala.collection.immutable.HashMap.updated(HashMap.scala:39) at scala.collection.immutable.MapOps.$plus(Map.scala:133)...

might fix #22

Then we can use the `raf` package On Thu, May 19, 2016, 1:25 AM Alex [email protected] wrote: > And if there is no requestAnimationFrame? (run in node) > > —...

I think batch updates could actually be a part of cycle/dom.

@davidchambers Could you share links of possible libraries one should use for new projects?

I think it makes sense to have a test client however I am not sure if there is any value in adding a test server. The server is typically implemented...