Tushar Mathur

Results 210 comments of Tushar Mathur

@rleibman Your feedback is noted :) I agree it's not the most convenient right now. Here is what I was thinking β€” What if we leverage ZIO Schema for this,...

We can similarly add a `req.decode` it would work something like this β€” ```scala case class UserRequest(query: UserQuery, name: String, age: Int) // Http App from UserRequest to UserResponse val...

I think the name of the function should be changed. The function is called for whenever there is an internal error. Something that is beyond the scope of a typical...

@soujiro32167 would you be willing to create a PR to rename the method to `onError` and update the scala doc :)

@NavidJalali Thanks for the report. But Please don't post your serial number publicly :)

Thats right. Thanks for reporting πŸ™, would you be interested in creating a fix for thisπŸ™‚

I thought about this a bit again β€” ```scala def c1: Channel[String] = ??? def c2: Channel[Array[Byte]] = c1.contramap(_.getBytes) ``` We can't say that `c1 == c2` because they both...

What if we expose `id` on channel instead? ```scala final case class Channel[-A](private val channel: JChannel, private val convert: A => Any) { self => def id: UIO[String] = ZIO.succeed(channel.id().asLongText())...