Túlio Ornelas

Results 10 issues of Túlio Ornelas

Hi, this package supports client authentication using a certificate and a key but it's really common on local networks to just have encrypted communication usually using self-signed certificates. Would you...

We should commit the already resolved offsets when we get `REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS`. Currently, we are dropping the offsets to perform the rebalance. https://github.com/tulios/kafkajs/blob/11d7b8108ebe7dba0f5419c319ef4d94ba31e195/src/consumer/runner.js#L121-L123 `consumer#heartbeat` can throw the error and skip the...


From chrome web store: "Works very well when the json's in the main window, but doesn't work in iframes. JSONView Chrome extension has a setting which enables iframes, which suggests...

Feature request

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When you generate your icon family through the graphic interface (drag and drop) it can reach the limit of GET urls size, the best approach is to change the generation...


When you remove some icon from the package and don't removes the entry from manifest.json icosmith crash without any information


The sync command would be improved if it was multithreaded, with an option to configure the maximum amount of threads.


Today the cli output is very functional, it delivers what it has. It would be nice to have different formats (through a --format, for example) that offers some pretty outputs


Swift uses the term **container** and amazon S3 **bucket**, it would be nice to have both names to avoid any confusion
