Túlio Ornelas

Results 41 comments of Túlio Ornelas

@oleksiyk it doesn't solve the same problem. I may be wrong, but looking at the code I can see that the library doesn't pass the ssl options if it doesn't...

Yes. This option is available in other libraries. In the `librdkafka`, for example, the option is: ``` ssl.ca.location - File or directory path to CA certificate(s) for verifying the broker's...

Hi @chiararelandini, as you already discovered, this is not a straightforward task 😄 you can approach this in different ways, and they are all valid and perhaps complementary **a)** You...

> I think that @chiararelandini means "Can/should we use these events to check if the consumer (or the producer, with other events) is correctly communicating with Kafka?". Then yes, you...

No, currently it drops the uncommitted offsets.

An async producer has a lot of challenges. What should we do if you decide to terminate the service and the background queue is full? What happens if the broker...

Hi @SathishKumarRamasamy, you should bump to the latest version first. There were several fixes regarding stale data, etc. I also suggest changing from `autoCommitInterval=-1` to `autoCommitThreshold=1`.

@thereisnospoon there are also server caps, can you double-check that your cluster can accept the values you expect? Another thing is that maxBytes will cap maxBytesPerPartition, so it's worth taking...

I am with you. I also prefer interfaces, but the bulk of the types came from contributions, and we chose not to make it unnecessarily harder for the folks' contributing,...