Tudor Barascu
Tudor Barascu
Just FYI, all the following return True, so maybe we shouldn't do ST_Equals(ST_Force2d.. in the data model and lose speed. ``` SELECT ST_Equals(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(100 100)'), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(100 100 1)')); SELECT ST_Equals(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(100 100...
Hey and a happy new year! Normally, we should differentiate between fonte and fonte ductile but we... don't do it for now. Are you only using Fonte ductile or fonte...
Basically, we shouldn't have any fk_column as integer as smallint is enough, thus keeping two small columns in the same 4k page (default of postgres) and improving performance, index size...
Quick question, Should the "high pressure" value be as a pipe function? It hasn't bothered me as we set it as a Active - False. Any idea what's the logic...
Hi, the title is explicit enough. While migrating the sample data I've encountered new values all over the place. As in some of the tables the id's start from 10000...
Some of our hydrants are without valves so we would need a ``has_valve`` or ``valve`` boolean field to depict this. Is this upstream-able or all of your hydrants have valves?...
On my way on migrating to the newest model, I noticed the pipe ``fk_locationtype`` lots of empty arrays ``{}`` and ``NULLS``. Further investigating it seems empty arrays are always created...
Hello, we also have a need to save the chamber material attribute. Does anyone else has this need or it's particular to our use case? Also, by looking at the...
The materials and the nominal pressure combinations that we have in the materials table do not fully cover whatever is in the field. I remembered that we even considered dropping...
Today I found some errors on the subscribers geometries (not valid) and I remembered that I also had in the past invalid geometries on valves, pipes etc. Although this happens...