Tsung-Hsien Lee
Tsung-Hsien Lee
Hi @ksidiqi , This looks crisp, and I am still debating about using this solution or not as personally I don't like the if statement check in return. However, the...
Generally it looks good to me, and I probably will omit `get_strings` function but it is definitely personal choice. This will be merge later.
Hi @Bhudjo , It looks good to me, and I just wondering that why our solution is OK with this but your solution is having issue.
This is a very good find. The fix I will add in the next release is using a counter to count the numbers of spaces for each word shall append....
Feel free to submit that as I was thinking which solution is better in terms of readability. I think yours is better but I need to think it more carefully...
Two dimensional structure is always more complicate than one dimensional ones. Especially the use case of this one is that for each entry `List[str]`, it is a list of one...
This seems a slight mistyping at our side that caused this error https://github.com/adnanaziz/EPIJudge/commit/a4e3466b72637cc24dce8fca4e5561942114933a.
@qudongfang Agree, I think this makes sense as modern programming languages support this. This matches what this problem asks for (e.g., implementing `stoi` in C++).
Hi @ivnle , Thanks for reporting this, and this is being fixed. It shall be available in the next release.
Hi @zorro786 , About the file name issue, you are right that I just renamed it accordingly. Conventionally, without explicitly specified distinct, kth element is pretty straightforward. I am surprised...