
Results 34 issues of tsudoko

Since merging #28, AnkiServer uses a backwards-incompatible version of the sync protocol. To prevent confusing (or silent) errors, the server should just disallow connections from older clients. As an extra,...

Split from #27: > the first issue is about the account. If I delete the user in server without deauthorizing the account in the client, the client will still be...

Only one client per session at a time should be able to sync. Starting a sync from multiple clients at the same time is generally a bad idea, it's not...

Right now the score is calculated based on review data from all cards from a matching note, regardless of whether the cards in question actually use the fields selected by...

``` go func syncText(from, to *gtk.TextBuffer) { var start, end gtk.TextIter from.GetStartIter(&start) from.GetEndIter(&end) to.SetText(from.GetText(&start, &end, true)) } func main() { (...) leftBuf := leftTV.GetBuffer() rightBuf := rightTV.GetBuffer() leftBuf.Connect("changed", syncText, leftBuf,...

While the official specification requires all strings to be UTF-8 encoded, not all files are compliant. Most of them seem to provide alternative UTF-8 fields, which weren't used by btpd.

When the window size is the smallest, scrolling step is too large and skips some lines. https://imgrush.com/LmYwongjgr_M.webm


_(reposting because the original reporter's account(s) got locked)_ Same for video. Let us stream a movie or our desktop screen, not only the webcam. Unfortunately, this can only happen when...


_(reposting because the original reporter's account(s) got locked)_ And from other programs to uTox too


Filename: `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Sending from Linux: uTox stops redrawing, but the transfer does work Sending from Windows: - the filename is wrong: ![](http://a.pomf.se/plfvwc.PNG) - trying to save that file on Linux...

File Transfers