Changes: - Upgrade to v1.7.0 and copy docs folder - make `update_json_schema` idempotent (haystack/nodes/_json_schema.py): this is necessary to support multiple commits inside the release PR (version does not contain "rc")
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** `BaseDocumentStore`'s `get_all_documents` supports `return_embedding` as method param but `get_document_by_id` does not. This is inconsistent and a bit confusing. **Describe the...
As a devops engineer I want to know roughly how much time a request spends in each node. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently we...
As a datascientist I don't want my logs to be cluttered with devops infos. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently we do not separate logs...
As a haystack user I want to know how to configure advanced logging features as introduced in #3003 and #3004. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**...
As a user I want to be sure about what I get when I request an existing index with `OpenSearchDocumentStore`. - [ ] compare index mappings with requested ones -...
As a user I want to use FAISS's HNSW ANN search engine in `OpenSearchDocumentStore` in order to compare it against nmslib. According to https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/search-plugins/knn/knn-index/ FAISS plug-in only supports dot product...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In #2853 it turned out that when setting `use_confidence_scores=True` we cannot expect the same ranking as with `use_confidence_scores=False`: - transforming...
As a user I want to use FAISS's IVF index with `OpenSearchDocumentStore`. According to https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/search-plugins/knn/knn-index/ FAISS plug-in supports IVF. There are two params `nlist` and `nprobes`. As we're not sure...
As a user I want to use FAISS's product quanitzation feature with `OpenSearchDocumentStore`. According to https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/search-plugins/knn/knn-index/ FAISS plug-in has two param for `pq`: - `m`: number of sub vectors to...