I agree. I think that could be useful in a host of settings: authors wanting to guide discussions around their own materials, teachers leading and provoking discussion in classroom settings....
I wonder if it would also be possible to use this model to create a bookmark annotation so readers could keep track of where they were in texts.
Instead of itemizing all of the options on signup, what about simply providing on that modal an easily escapable prompt to review the notification settings. E.g. One button that reads...
This may be adjacent to this particular issue, but we've received further feedback around this kind of messaging: > If the user is on the page you have to be...
I believe we may have a regression around this issue. We're seeing this behavior on the [CDL instance](https://manifold.escholarship.org/). The screenshot below is from [this text](https://manifold.escholarship.org/read/hydrocephalus/section/0dcc4f64-c20f-49dc-8f7e-fb54c823e222), where I am logged in...
@zdavis I'm reopening this issue as we are seeing this behavior again [on the Washington instance](https://uw.manifoldapp.org/read/mapping-water-in-dominica-36cd0cea-ecf0-4d4e-bfc1-efaf6c1629c1/section/56f5dcc3-fe70-4381-9876-a25e3c281b4c):
I wonder if there's a way to make that author credential less specific and more versatile. For a press the `author` designation is appropriate, but less so in the classroom,...
I concur. Adding ORCID and Affiliation would also closely align with what what Cross-Ref collects for DOI registration and could be valuable also for those purposes. I am curious about...
Yeah, that was my question too. A hover seems to transient. Would a Maker blade/block be too much?
In further support of this, I just received a request from an author to disentangle the citation generator from having to be a registered user. And in this case, the...