Tarek Sherif

Results 18 issues of Tarek Sherif

The site is staged here: https://tsherif.github.io/luma.gl/docs Some entries in the table of contents aren't showing up in the generated sidebar, e.g. the first entry in the API reference section is...


Mostly in IE/Edge, except for the first one. Staged site: https://tsherif.github.io/luma.gl/ - Direct navigation to the following pages (among others) loads the wrong page (All browsers) - https://tsherif.github.io/luma.gl/docs/whats-new - https://tsherif.github.io/luma.gl/docs/upgrade-guide...

The incorrect dependencies were manually fixed in this commit: https://github.com/uber/luma.gl/commit/27f1654eb9f505063a36396897952968cf5cfddd I was publishing a new alpha version of luma.gl and went through the following steps: 1. Set version in `lerna.json`...

Motivation: The method used by live-server to track file changes doesn't work in the Windows Subsystem for Linux V2 ([see here for details](https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4739)). This can be fixed by enabling the...

A 3D engine for Deck.gl

##### Description of the problem Xform nodes contain both [`mat` and `matrix` properties](https://github.com/xeolabs/scenejs/blob/master/src/core/scene/modelXFormStack.js#L22). The difference is that `mat` contains the multiplied hierarchical transforms, whereas `matrix` contains the local transform of...

In working with some of the examples, I noticed that SceneJS creates a lot of global variables. In the [Quick Start teapot](http://scenejs.org/examples/scenegraph_firstExample.html), for example, SceneJS creates the 138 global variables...

The following examples produce WebGL errors while running: http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#styles_lineWidth http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#texture_normal http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#texture_normal_reflect http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#texture_procedural_color_grid http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#reflections_withSpecularMap http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#postprocessing_depthOfField_autofocus_grid http://scenejs.org/examples/index.html#postprocessing_scanlinesAndSepia