Tarek Sherif

Results 18 issues of Tarek Sherif

The current stress test didn't surface issues that were bottlenecks in deck.gl. Create one or more new stress tests that hit more parts of the API.

Might just be something with my set up.

Look into MINC RGB color map files and how they might be loaded into BrainBrowser.

It's because of [window.onresize](https://github.com/aces/brainbrowser/blob/e70679ee2320a022ce44be8ce8078c41e37669dd/src/brainbrowser/surface-viewer/modules/rendering.js#L69) checking `offsetWidth` and `offsetHeight`. These will be 0 if the element is invisible. Possible solutions might be to make the container visible before measuring or to...

Not sure about this, but color mapping is one of the more expensive operations in both viewers. Since the operation on each pixel of the intensity data is independent of...

Right now, as soon as intensity data parameters get updated, the colour array is updated as well. It would make more sense to have the parameters adjusted and then updated...

There are plenty of methods that are expected to be on the volume object that the Volume Viewer uses, but none of them are documented.

https://github.com/tsherif/simple-opengl-loader 1 file, MIT License, C/C++. Handles the loading of OpenGL functions after a context is created.

Deck usage requires gathering measurements that only become visible after a certain number of measurements. The Stats object should support this usage. I think the simplest way to do this...

For luma.gl's next release, I'm splitting the examples into categories based on what they're meant to demonstrate to the user (Getting Started, Showcase, API, etc.). Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to...
