Sándor Tóth

Results 5 issues of Sándor Tóth

When I run the following command the STDOUT from Matlab is not transferred: ```python S = {'a':1.0} mlab.disp(S) ``` Strangely, I get the output later after running a few more...

- added class name check - changed length() to numel() in as it is faster and more reliable in MATLAB

08478bbe8ab42777ff0cc7b893cda29ab6f05212: This fails when a class method name is identical to a function on the MATLAB search path. For example calling the method `myclass.plot()`, nargout will return the number of...

Change `spinw.addg` and `spinw.addaniso` to accept string options similarly to `spinw.addcoupling`. Also fix the bug in `spinw.addg` to enable specify atoms where g-tesor is assigned. Currently errors out when non-magnetic...


I am preparing the code for plotting orbitals (orbital-dev branch). It would be a great help if some of you could give a few tips how you would like to...
