Refactoring ideas: 1. JSON conversion (including calling `to_json_encodeable()` and `flask.jsonify()`) can be done in a [after_request](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/api/#flask.Flask.after_request) hook. This way we have a dedicated place to convert JSONEncodableMixin universally. Also in...
Example log: ``` 2023-04-27 22:48:52,237 [INFO] sematic.api.endpoints.resolutions: Local resolution be57992242d840dd84adb741a468b270 for pipeline __main__.pipeline terminated with root run in state RESOLVED. The duration was -3.448931 seconds. Git dirty: False . Git...
When a Run is cached from an original Run, the current source code of the function is displayed in the Dashboard instead of the source code of the version of...
When a Run is executing and producing logs, clicking "Jump to the end" in the log panel will start a periodic refresh and fetching of newer logs. The newer logs...
When switching to the log tab in the Dashboard, the Server starts an expensive operation of sourcing logs from their cloud storage. If the users switches away from the tab...
If the Server is overloaded with expensive requests, it should impose backoff responses instead of risk the Kubernetes Server pod being killed due to exceeding its resource limits consumption.