Trivikram Kamat

Results 146 comments of Trivikram Kamat

@NGPixel Can I get your review on this code change?

AWS SDK for JavaScript v2 will enter maintenance mode on September 8, 2024 and reach end-of-support on September 8, 2025. For more information, check blog post at

cc @mroch who performed the latest v0.13.1 GitHub release. cc authors listed on npm artifact: @Daniel15 @yungsters

Thank you @Daniel15 for your response! > jscodeshift is mostly "community maintained" at Meta at this point. Is there a plan to onboard external maintainers for jscodeshift? I've built my...

> I'll see if I can find the right person to ask about this and let you know! May be I'm asking too soon, but is there any update on...

> I'm still waiting to hear what some other people think of adding external maintainers. Revisiting after a week. Any update from jscodeshift owners from Meta on this request?

This is a great summary @ElonVolo > And for at least a year we’ll be left with an increasingly unmaintained jscodeshift, an up-to-date evcodeshift fork, Putout, and probably whatever the...

> You only have to look at what happened with Flow and it's lack of community engagement I'm digressing here, but TypeScript was already getting popular in 2016/2017. So users...

Thank you @Daniel15 for following up on this request! I think this issue can be resolved after: * @ElonVolo accepts and takes up maintainer work * The commits from `evcodeshift`...

> I'll also take over some of the admin stuff such as cutting new releases and publishing them to npm. Previously this wasn't done consistently - for example the previous...