works fine here, i have successfully built webtorrent-desktop for arm64 macos
this is just a matter of adding "provides: firefox" to the firefox-nightly (& co) packages on aur, i think
that's what i did
what's your locale? show the output of `locale`
okay, so i have found the culprit! this should be uncommented and 0x3C i'm on it!
hmmm, i swear it just worked, but i must have done something wrong. i added ``` println!("{:#02x}", scan_code); ``` under ``` let scan_code: std::os::raw::c_ushort = unsafe { msg_send![event, keyCode] };...
i think this link - fits the purpose better, because it's already in the "coding" section
any progress on this?
this is the only issue stopping me from using this program
this is still an issue in 1.5.1, and it also happens in falkon (a qt5-webengine based browser as well)