Results 265 comments of Olivier HUMBERT

[link to the Ubuntu bug](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hydrogen/+bug/1903599)

@E-Gwen @guitman444 : can you guys please try it again with the beta1 for the future Hydrogen 1.0.0 and report if it's still happening? [See here](https://github.com/hydrogen-music/hydrogen/releases/tag/1.0.0-beta1).

Oh that's right, I forgot that! I've added a note about it [on the 1.0.0-beta1release assets](https://github.com/hydrogen-music/hydrogen/releases/tag/1.0.0-beta1).

I don't know, I'm not using the `build.sh` script. @mauser any input on this?

> I would say that it makes sense to edit and display Author and License Yes. > but not to edit the drumkitname I can live without it :)

> About the data, maybe, on h2 startup if there is a .hydrogen/data directory, we ask the user if we can move that directory to ~/.local/share/hydrogen, otherwise h2 exit. @jeremyz...

I think you closed this thread a bit too fast without any discussion :) I've got 2 arguments which worth to be shared here: - first: some of the drumkits...

That's another idea. A workaround. Mine was to have a possiblity of several fields in the xml file such as something like that (as an example): - ``Based on sounds...

Thanks @mauser . I do agree, this is important to keep backward compatibility as long as it can be kept easily.

My point of view (as a translator): it doesn't need to be related to Hydrogen. Just: 1. having the possibility inside the xml to ship translations 2. having Hydrogen looking...