Results 265 comments of Olivier HUMBERT

@michaelwillis sorry for the lag, I didn't noticed this message before and just stumbled across it while looking for documentation about dragonfly-reverb. I'm not too sure about the process to...

I've just sent a message to the debian multimedia packaging team. I'll update you when I've more info.

Nice, thanks. I've been replied to and it looks like the path to get DF-reverb included into the next Debian (Buster) is fine for me to do if you want/ask...

Yes, I can do that. Will do in approximatively 10/15 days. Feel free to ping me here if I didn't update this thread by then.

@michaelwillis another thing which is needed for an official build is to provide a source tarball including the submodule (DPF) for the [release](https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb/releases).

@michaelwillis [the source tarball (tar.gz & zip) of the 1.0.0 version](https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb/releases/tag/1.0.0) is still missing the DPF submodule.

> creating my own archive and uploading it as a release artifact. I'm 99% sure that's the way other projects do.

> Ok, I uploaded a tar file with the source that includes the dpf submodule. Nice, all good now. > I'm not sure if the Debian package maintainers expect a...

I'm right now setting up a Debian Buster dev system to package and submit DragonFly for inclusion in the official Debian repo. @michaelwillis : I'm seeing that you didn't provide...

Hi @michaelwillis , just to let you know that I've been repackaging it for the future debian stable (aka "buster") and I've just uploaded it to [mentors.debian.net](https://mentors.debian.net/package/dragonfly-reverb) for peers-review while...