Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

Results 427 comments of Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

It's true: when you add your user to a new group you have to logout and login for modifications takes effects... Or using sudo to gain group/permission update locally. The...

> * I came to openFPGALoader indirectly through F4PGA. I was following their documentation and so it might not be a fault of the this projects documentation. > openFPGALoader's documentation...

LGTM. I will be, of course, happy to accept this new feature. Could you explain more about: > This branch is NOT ready for merging yet - there are errors...

It's okay the message is a bit cryptic :-/ [This line] ( is a wait after sending command. This call provides a timeout (number of try before fail). Your failure...

In fact, my question is if increasing timeout value fix the error in your specific case.

I have partially updated `bulk_erase` method to check if blocks are protected.

Thanks to point this issue. I need to find a way to detect this to warn user instead of having a crash. I'm not really convinced to open all interfaces...

Thanks for this dump. I will trying to reproduce this to see if it's possible to add some check and/or catching.

I'm able to reproduce this issue. When using **interfaceB** and with **interfaceA** is configured as **BITMODE_SYNCFF**, `ftdi_read_data` return always 0 but without errors. Since I'm not really happy to let...