Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

Results 427 comments of Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

It's okay for you. Can I close this issue?

I will retry this week-end. But could you share your `jed` file? Thanks!

Thanks for the bitstream. I have retried to flash my board: it's works. But it's an *xc9572xl* and unfortunately it's a bit hard to find your model (or at least...

I have ordered one board but I have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks. When you flash a bitstream without verify write the new bitstream is not working? True?...

Maybe it's a good starting point to check if xc9536xl has some small specificities I have lost.

I have received my xc9536XL board and fixed issue: one of delays was too short. Repo is now updated: could you check in your side to confirm the fix is...

Thanks! @jduraes is it ok for you too? Can I close this issue?

Thanks. Don't hesitate to reopen or create a new issue if something goes wrong!

Hi, In fact I'm not familiar with msys2 too... Maybe @umarcor could help on this point. Thanks

@umarcor : Yes of course. I have small fixes to apply before doing that but I will tag a new release ASAP. Thanks