Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

Results 427 comments of Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

Sorry for delay. In a first time I have used solution suggested by @GbGp to reduce bitstream size (and reduce load time): the artix50t bitstream is compressed, others are left...

xc7a100 bitstream is already available. No ?

Sorry for the long delay. `openFPGALoader` has now `--file-type` to force format (instead of using file extension) and pipe support. It's now possible to use cat or gzip | openFPGALoader...

Thanks for you feedback. Yes I've take time to improve bitbanging speedup (I'm not sure if it's possible to increase more). I will reread this issue and the other one...

The speed reported by openFPGALoader is internal speed (I have tested with a logic analyzer) to consume FIFO's content, this why it's used. But it's true, for the full bitstream...

It's true, The best solution, in all case is to compress bitstream in the repository to reduce size and download/clone time. Using a second repo dedicated to binary files may...

Programming time depends, partially, to the probe: arty @30MHz takes 0,735s. I think having one .gz by bitstream is more easy and well VCS compliant (this avoid to update all...

Okay! Sorry to my misunderstood. And thanks for your tests!

Will check/test both. Maybe @jeanthom, @kost and @umarcor are able to point some multiplatform libraries to test. Thanks

I have (with a small delay) started to read **cv-files** and see how to uncompress **cram** region. If I have correctly understood `rbf_save` function the FPGA's model must be known...