Toran Billups

Results 57 comments of Toran Billups

Just got a request for this from a client -anyone open to me adding it?

For now I just sub classed it but let me know if you land that PR boss :)

@scottmessinger totally cool with additional perf improvements but before we merge something like this I need to see how it performs before/and after (to know it's valuable/ not a premature...

@scottmessinger worth a mention - the up coming react-redux v5 release includes a connectAdvanced function that can be used for components that don't need a callback/re-render fired on each change...

@scottmessinger I'm closing this out for now but I'm 100% open to a perf rework if and when we have something more mature in place to prove this is helpful/valuable

@dustinfarris I like the simplicity of this for sure. One blocker I see currently is that setProperties is called with a new object each time (w/ Object.assign) likely resulting in...

@dustinfarris you mind implementing the re-render checks that @brettburley mentioned above? I was reading up on the [mixin]( that does observer work but I think re-render maybe the most appropriate...

@dustinfarris could you push up the object.assign changes @brettburley mentioned? Without them we do indeed see a regression related to the notifyPropertyChange (using my new test in PR #42 )...

@dustinfarris could you rebase this now that PR #42 was merged? I found that your work w/ setProperties here is now regression free because ember already does the heavy lifting...

@dustinfarris this is awesome! Just look at all the code we can delete! Thanks for all the hard work here @brettburley this seems rock solid and ready to merge from...