which methods? all of them?
one thing is important to note, is that there is no tcp connection made when the exception occurs, this exception is spontaneous.
i disabled the checker, no difference. I tested on ubuntu 22.04 with python3.10 and the same issue.
update: tried straight cheroot and it didn't have any issues, added logging and I can definetly see the peer address so it may be a tls probe (which I haven't...
Okay, I monkey patched socket, and printed a stacktrace on connect and found the code. it is portend, specifically in cherrypy/process/ ``` # wait for port to be occupied with...
adding the test code w/ monkeypatch, in case people need to debug something like this in the future. ``` import cherrypy import sys import socket print("python version:", sys.version) print("cherrpy version:",...
I found the change in cpython that caused the issue, and submitted a pr to cheroot
> This strongly reminds me of [cherrypy/cherrypy#1618]( as it turns out, the cpython patch was made in response to cherrypy/cherrypy#1618 , which ended up manifesting the same exception a different...
not sure why it doesn't like my commit message.
I've added a second commit that attempts simplification of the code. The big difference is that the earlier code would reraise some exceptions that wrap_socket raised, and this will just...