btechfinalyear topic
Final Year Malware Detection Project with PPT, Research Paper, code and Synopsis. Malware detection project by Machine Learning ALgorithms.
This Repo consists of implementing First order motion model for making Deep Fakes. It is referenced from a video on youtube by Two Minute Papers about Deep Fakes. The code given by @AliaksandrSiarohin
A python tool to detect if a person is wearing a mask or not in real-time using deep learning techniques. It works with images, videos, and real-time videos as well.
Project on getting the angle of steering rotation in a self-driving car. This project is inspired by NVIDIA End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars and data is gathered from Udacity's Behavioral Clo...
Custom Object detection using YOLOv3 on the cloud. It is trained to detect Fire in a given frame. It can be largely used for Wildfires, fire accidents, etc.
Top Class Stock Price Prediction Project through Machine Learning Algorithms for Google. Easy Understanding and Implementation. Final Year College Project.
Spam Detection Project for college students with PPT, Report, Code, Datasets and Research papers
Final Year Btech Face recognition Attendance System Project with code and Documents. Video Implementation with explanation too. Base IEEE paper Implementation
Image-Security-by-Triple-DES-Final-Year-Project Cryptogaphy Final Year Project on ENCRYPTION & DECRYPTION of IMAGE through Triple DES.
Malware-Detection-System-Using-Deep-Learning-Project. Project Includes PPT. Code, Explanation Video and Documents