Snehit Vaddi
Snehit Vaddi
This Repo consists of implementing First order motion model for making Deep Fakes. It is referenced from a video on youtube by Two Minute Papers about Deep Fakes. The code given by @AliaksandrSiarohin
A deep learning model to lip-sync a given video with any given audio. It uses GAN architecture to orchestrate loss reconstruction or training.
A python tool to detect if a person is wearing a mask or not in real-time using deep learning techniques. It works with images, videos, and real-time videos as well.
Using OpenCV and face_recognition to detect unknown faces and send automatic email alert to the admin
Project on getting the angle of steering rotation in a self-driving car. This project is inspired by NVIDIA End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars and data is gathered from Udacity's Behavioral Clo...
Custom Object detection using YOLOv3 on the cloud. It is trained to detect Fire in a given frame. It can be largely used for Wildfires, fire accidents, etc.
Object tracking with YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, Deep Sort and Tensorflow. This repository implements YOLOv3 and Deep SORT in order to perfrom real-time object tracking.