Toon Sevrin
Toon Sevrin
Once I do need this, I'll implement it myself :) Can you perhaps provide a bit more detail in #504 at the issues that you are facing with containerization, the...
Ripples does have the exact same system. But won't we be limited in the additional on-chain logic we can add if we implement circles on Ripples?
If the coins are rendered unuseable this would make it irrational to trust people with higher likelyhoods of death. So that's not an option. Allowing you to trust coins up...
> /priority awaiting-more-evidence > > Can you clarify your use case a little bit more? This is generally useful when a CRD may be changed extremely often (eg multiple times...
My personal use case is a controller which listens to all secret, namespace and serviceaccount changes. The quality of the controller would however not really change if the reconciliation was...
I think so too! Another use case is where there is assymetry: eg. When changing one resource (for example a deployment) results in the controller changing hundreds of other resources....
Seems like this project is stale. I gave the source code a quick peek and setting the controller's LB_IMAGE environment variable to your akrobateo-lb image will solve this issue. The...
Yeah, I've also stopped using this project because of it being stale, within our project, we've just moved our ingress deployment to a daemonset and made all the ports hostPorts....
How about spending a few $ on an actual load balancer? If you're on-prem you can also consider metallb. Otherwise, I still think running externalDNS + a daemonset (you could...
That is very true indeed, as you are using hostPort, you are constraint to 1 ingress per machine. If this is a concern, you can have an autoscaling nodepool and...