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A lint tool for Julia code

Results 50 Lint.jl issues
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``` julia> lintstr(""" module Test function test end export test end """) 1-element Array{Lint.LintMessage,1}: none:3 W361 test: exporting undefined symbol ```

false positive

I like that linter is reminding me to write the API documentation, thus a missing docstring should be detected. Severity would be Info.


Thanks for making a great tool. I have some questions about start up performance of linting. On OSX with julia Version 0.4.6 (2016-06-19 17:16 UTC), I get the following times:...

Apparently there is this very rare edge case ``` julia ex1 = :( a,b = (1,2) ) ex2 = parse( "a,b = (1,2)" ) # different! ```

From March onward, I'll have much less time devoted to my Julia projects. If the code isn't too smelly, and there's enough community interests to continue its development, I'd like...

It's a quirk how julia parser works. It'd be quite difficult to change it within julia itself. For example: ``` julia # comment. Line 1 function f(x) # Line 2...


At the minimum, the arguments should be tagged to be of type `DataType`, so we can check for obvious issues. The generated expression's linting would be difficult.


To call `Lint.msg()` in a `lint_helper()`, you need to have Lint imported into your module's namespace, which is not ideal. Is there any way to get around this? Right now...

It would be good if it could catch the following: ``` Julia lintstr(""" const a=1 const d=11 f=12 function g() const a=2 const b = 1 function f() a=4 b=5...