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A lint tool for Julia code

Results 50 Lint.jl issues
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If there is a Package that has `LoadError` JSON output may not be correct in the lint server: See here: and maybe here: I also noticed that packages...


Hello, When running Lint with the following code: ```julia @enum ActionWhenLong shorten=1 multiple=2 export shorten, multiple ``` it raises ``` W361 multiple: exporting undefined symbol ``` I only find

false positive

`Lint` does not seem to support the new `where` syntax. For example, this ```julia struct Struct{T

The type of array elements should be inferred, both in the context of elements that were `getindex`ed and inside of `for` loops. For example, the code below should error, due...


``` julia> lintstr(""" f(x) = [tag for tag in x if iseven(tag)] """) 2-element Array{Lint.LintMessage,1}: none:1 E321 tag: use of undeclared symbol none:1 I382 x: argument declared but not used...

I really appreciate that linter is nagging for wrong indentation as well as too long lines. These could be info severity. I am happy to implement, I will just need...


Would be really neat if the linter could emit messages about type instable functions.


cf. [discourse]( a useful feature that I'd love is a [+] button in that extends the box with the linter message which gives more information, e.g. how to silence...


For Atom editor interface it would be helpful to get the error message column number, then the error message would appear at the right place instead of the beginning of...


So new users could just type some code and learn from the results?
