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A lint tool for Julia code

Results 50 Lint.jl issues
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Hey, is it in the plans to have / enable a lint "bot" that automatically comments new pull requests with suggestions for style etc. ? Similarly to the one for...

The 'Unexpected symbol' Error is given when declaring mutable composite types. mutable struct Bar baz qux::Float64 end

lintfile does not recognize variables in the broadcasted functions. example.jl ``` function f(x) return exp.(x) end ``` Main> lintfile("example.jl") example.jl:1 I382 x: argument declared but not used

```julia lintstr("K = rand(3,3); M = rand(3,3); w, X = eigs(K, M; which=:SM)") ``` Nothing wrong with the code. Removing an optional argument `which=:SM` silents the error.

```julia julia> lintstr("f(x::Bool)::Bool=!x") 2-element Array{Lint.LintMessage,1}: none:1 E321 x: use of undeclared symbol none:1 I171 f(x::Bool): LHS in assignment not understood by Lint ```

false positive

The line numbers reported by the linter consistenly seem off by one, For example, when I do julia> lintfile("./run_single_node.jl") it reports things like ./run_single_node.jl:230 E321 new_basis: use of undeclared symbol...

Hi! I would be great if Lint.jl could catch situations where mutating functions are not named with the bang at the end. i.e. ```julia my_fill(x) = fill!(x, zero(eltype(x))) function add_one(x)...

Ie not check for any warnings at runtime as opposed to just filtering these out afterwards.

I'm using julia's base/expr.jl (which is only 343 lines, counting comments) just as an example to do some testing on, but lintfile takes a seriously unreasonable amount of time. This...

As discussed
