Results 13 comments of Tony Espinoza

Specific case needed: stop reminder(s)

here's another example of it failing to play a named playlist "This is Nine Inch Nails" ![image]( ``` ==== # main/5036a5c5-86fa-4568-863f-a88b0255d228 #! timestamp: 2021-07-31T01:27:42.278Z U: play playlist cyn piano UT:...

While we're all here in this issue, I'll share this latest one exploring the same issue further. ``` ==== # main/6d4693d0-3484-4f7a-b81f-3a61f9479f5b #! timestamp: 2021-07-31T01:31:07.504Z U: create playlist UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;...

checking this one... the desired behavior between the sequence of "pause" followed by "play" would ideally maintain the playhead/timeline position. currently restarts the song.

simplest fix for now: it would help if Genie said that they "stopped" the music rather than "paused playback."

Just a follow up. May be related (from Staging): weather forecast It will be cloudy tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Lexington Hills, Summit West and the temperature will be 63...

@gcampax Request for weather with date parameterization (tomorrow, this weekend, etc.) seem to be working fine. However, a common case is "what's the forecast" or "what's the weather forecast" and...

moving this to P3. current behavior is good enough for now.

The spelling I used in my example was a common misspelling (Capital vs Capitol), which is why I too assumed it was a training issue. Interestingly, I dropped "Ask Bing"...

@jmhw0123, i've finally got a testing environment up and running with the latest and will go through everything marked Ready for QA. see comments above on this one.