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(Production) Weather "forecast" parameter disambiguation
Log attached.
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Failed to distinguish parametric differences between these cases: what's the forecast for tomorrow? Genie: It will be cloudy tomorrow at 2:00 PM in New York City, New York and the temperature will be 86.5 F. what will the weather be next week? Genie: It will be cloudy tomorrow at 2:00 PM in New York City, New York and the temperature will be 86.5 F.
In the following case it seems to constrain the results (projection?) unexpectedly. Asking for a forecast for next week would ideally include a range of days rather than one.
"What is the forecast for next week?" Genie: It will be cloudy on next Sunday at 11:00 AM in New York City, New York and the temperature will be 84.6 F.
Just a follow up. May be related (from Staging):
weather forecast
It will be cloudy tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Lexington Hills, Summit West and the temperature will be 63 F.
weather next week
Sorry, I cannot retrieve weather forecasts in the past.
# main/9982af86-ad1b-4084-875a-98be4c695851
#! timestamp: 2021-07-18T23:22:55.463Z
U: weather forecast
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: Location(37.1624585, -121.98538717615781, "Lexington Hills, Summit West"), date=$end_of(day))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=17.2C, wind_speed=1.6mps, humidity=66.7, cloudiness=35.2, fog=0, status=enum cloudy, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, date=new Date("2021-07-19T14:00:00.000Z"), location=new Location(37.1624585, -121.98538717615781, "Lexington Hills, Summit West") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-18T23:22:56.768Z
A: It will be cloudy tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Lexington Hills, Summit West and the temperature will be 63 F.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_display_result;
#! timestamp: 2021-07-18T23:23:01.657Z
U: weather next week
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
This seems to work with the latest model, given the fix we did to future dates. Closing.
@gcampax Request for weather with date parameterization (tomorrow, this weekend, etc.) seem to be working fine.
However, a common case is "what's the forecast" or "what's the weather forecast" and in those cases I think the desired behavior is to return weather for the next several days. (currently returns weather for tomorrow as shown in this log.) can we make generic requests for weather return weather for next 3 days?
There will be clean up to do later on the string formatting (we can leave out the time of day) but that's not important to me right now.
# main/00f7649a-64e1-40fe-98d8-d71962c32453
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:37.926Z
U: what's the weather?
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=27.9C, wind_speed=2.3mps, humidity=36.8, cloudiness=1.6, fog=0, status=enum sunny, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:39.459Z
A: It is sunny today in Palo Alto, California and the temperature is 82.2 F.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_display_result;
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:45.626Z
U: what's the forecast for next week?
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=27.9C, wind_speed=2.3mps, humidity=36.8, cloudiness=1.6, fog=0, status=enum sunny, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
C:$end_of(week), location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=15.6C, wind_speed=0.9mps, humidity=76.1, cloudiness=32, fog=0, status=enum cloudy, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, date=new Date("2021-08-01T14:00:00.000Z"), location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:46.821Z
A: It will be cloudy tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Palo Alto, California and the temperature will be 60.1 F.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_display_result;
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:55.801Z
U: what's the forecast
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=27.9C, wind_speed=2.3mps, humidity=36.8, cloudiness=1.6, fog=0, status=enum sunny, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
C:$end_of(week), location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=15.6C, wind_speed=0.9mps, humidity=76.1, cloudiness=32, fog=0, status=enum cloudy, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, date=new Date("2021-08-01T14:00:00.000Z"), location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
C: Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California"), date=$end_of(day))
C: #[results=[
C: { temperature=15.6C, wind_speed=0.9mps, humidity=76.1, cloudiness=32, fog=0, status=enum cloudy, icon=";content_type=image/png"^^tt:picture, date=new Date("2021-08-01T14:00:00.000Z"), location=new Location(37.4443293, -122.1598465, "Palo Alto, California") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:44:59.635Z
A: Did you mean get the weather forecast?
A: It will be cloudy tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Palo Alto, California and the temperature will be 60.1 F.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_display_result;
#! timestamp: 2021-07-31T23:45:20.231Z
U: what's the forecast for this weekend
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
UT: Date(enum saturday));
moving this to P3. current behavior is good enough for now.