Tom May
Tom May
The Content-Type header should always include a charset, at least for html, to prevent exploits. Angelo needs a way to at least specify a charset, and it would be wise...
TemplateCaching::Cache cached nil alright but it wasn't thread-safe. Here's a thread-safe version which shouldn't cause much interference with other threads.
Bwa ha ha. I haven't gotten any response on my tilt pull request to add preloading of tilt/\* files instead of autoloading so I made a little tilt-preload gem to...
Otherwise font-lock-mode will be enabled even if the user has disabled it.
font-lock-refresh-defaults can set font-lock-mode to t even if global-font-lock-mode and font-lock-global-modes are nil. So save the original value of font-lock-mode and set it back to nil if it was nil...
This respects user settings that disable font-lock mode. I always have it disabled because I'm low vision. Sometimes I think I must be the only person who disables it, but...