That is what I originally suspect. Nevertheless, I tried the official RP power supply and other 3A+ power supply and no luck so far. In the error messages I can...
I tried to edit the scanning speed in noble package directly. In general, when the scanning speed is reduced, the error happens much less frequently. Unfortunately, the devices cannot be...
我也有遇到類似的問題,前幾天常發生HA無法控制冷氣的情況,需重啟HA後才可以使用。今天發現硬碟空間為0,檢查後發現是home assistant 的 系統log爆了(有77G),不過因為完全無法操作所以我先把log刪了。之後如果觀察到log不正常增長的情況再把log貼上來。
Same issue on iPhone 5s with iOS 8.1.2, Activator 1.9.2