Tomas Alabes

Results 18 issues of Tomas Alabes

**Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?** Feature **What is the current behavior?** There's no way to proxy the github releases downloads in artifactory (see [here](

Hi, first thanks for your work in this project! I'm using the linter in a project where I don't use Relay, and I have some errors with the relay rules....

#### This issue pertains to the following package(s): - [X] GraphQL Playground - Electron App - [ ] GraphQL Playground HTML - [ ] GraphQL Playground - [ ] GraphQL...

### Describe what this PR does / why we need it `grpc-adapter` is missing from the platform dependencies. If you use `spring-cloud-alibaba-dependencies` and need the `grpc-adapter` then you need to...

### Is your feature request related to a problem ? Yes, sometimes you need to add a **templated** sidecar to the running prometheus server, in addition to the usual containers...


Hi, I'm using the `use-neo4j` library to build an app that communicates with Neo4j Cloud AuraDB. Using React Native. While building for the app for it, this happens: ```log Android...

feature request

Thanks for the answer Carles. I understand, my concern is that going from 1 on-demand rest call to 1 thread per consumer/producer is a huge change on services consuming many...


## What this PR does / why we need it: Context: - Using Istio with strict mTLS in both Prometheus and services (configured to use https) - Prometheus scrapes the...

cncf-cla: yes

Hi, thanks again for your work :) Sometimes you just care about a part of the input of the request. For example, Input object: `user: String, friends: List, random: Number`...

Hi, first of all thanks for your work! Sometimes in the same tests suite you have different tests that need different set of rules, and today the only way to...