Results 9 comments of Tom Ward

I agree. This confused me when I first saw it.

Can I do anything to help this get merged @sstephenson?

I'm not sure I understand. What do you expect to happen that isn't happening?

Hey Matt, sorry I hadn't noticed this issue - I need to get my github notifications sorted out. This sounds like it's going to be a pain to fix, but...

If you do `sudo su - backoffice` can you still run `bundle`?

I think being able to retry gem installation will be valuable, particularly given how flaky github and rubygems seem to be. Luckily though, we can add it without any (real)...

Not sure how it can work, as there's only one Procfile shared between all machines. If it does work, then bingo, issue solved!

Using `set :user, 'another_username'` should do what you want.

I've not as of yet added commented out stuff to the generated Capfile, but I can see it might be useful. If this is done, it should probably include a...