Tom Bu

Results 16 comments of Tom Bu

The undistortion seems to cut out the majority of each image, leaving only a small part for dense reconstruction. Is that because there's strong radial distortion in my camera? Is...

@muralabmahmuds Were you ever able to figure out which class corresponds to which and why you are getting 0 accuracy? I realized that the CamVid dataset that Alex Kendall provides...

How often do you get 0-accuracy. I realized you need to convert the RGB file to gray scale and that the different classes are associated with different gray indexes, I...

I am for certain now that the gray scale conversion code will dictate which classes corresponds to which. This step is missing from the SegNet Tutorial because the CamVid images...

Oh ok, I was using the KITTI dataset, so I didn't know the Cityscape provided you a gray scale. Do you still have any questions about it then? I was...

@muralabmahmuds I'm looking at the Cityscape dataset, and noticed that all of the labeled test images are black. Is that the case for you?

@muralabmahmuds Yeah, I trained my model on the Cityscape and tested it on the CamVid dataset, and it's not great. Since the Cityscape has so many more pictures, the original...

He means, in the models file, when you define inference, you need to change the image sizes when you upsample. I'm not sure about this, but it's possible you need...

You don't have to have an accurately labeled test image for it to output a prediction, but something is required without changing the code.

Please check some of the other discussions. You most likely have the path set up incorrectly