
Results 115 comments of Anatoly

are there any plans to support an http client proxy? i.e. similar to how it is supported by `clj-http`: ``` clojure (client/get "" {:proxy-host "" :proxy-port 8118}) ``` not to...

unfortunately don't have time to properly add 100% of it, but... ## added PostreSQL batch insert support I [added]( a postgres insert batch support. two things to note: * I...

sorry for the confusion. I did plan `cljs` support at some point, but then, if I remember correctly the hesitation came from which JS ecosystem to target. i.e. Node makes...

I took some time to sleep on it, since new flags tend to pile up and complect things but I do agree this is a needed functionality thank you for...

> _Is that a bug or a feature?_ debatable :) it's a balance between: * this library is unnecessary in case there is no config to load * a config...

you mean the current setup can't be used in prod? if yes, can you submit a pull request to support both: `dev` and `prod`?

the reason for [str->value]( to front the Clojure reader is because not all configuration and properties come from edn like in your table above. Some of them, quite often, come...

your expectation is perfectly correct: env changes in _the same terminal_ should be picked up: say we have these two files, config and overrides: ```clojure [/tmp]$ cat config.edn {:foo {:bar-baz...

Can you describe the concerns? how does it mess with a docker container? The reason for `println`s is mostly trace like debugging, and my inclination to keep no dependencies in...

since `println` is a valid concern, I muted all of it. Debugging can be unmuted with `"export DEBUG=y"`, updated [docs]( to cover that. ```clojure $ boot test Testing cprop.core Testing...