
Results 115 comments of Anatoly

> Or am I missing something? yes :) ## mount ``` clojure (mount/start #'app/worker) (mount/start #'app/worker) (mount/start #'app/worker) ``` would only start `#'app/worker` _once_. all the subsequent calls would check...

> two concurrent threads are trying to build a yurt at the same time right, good catch. This is currently not supported. i.e. I would expect systems to start "sequentially"....

> It's failing because of my test functions do you mean Yagni does not look at your test functions? The way (I understand) Yagni works it receives root(s) and builds...

I don't think `boot-check` passes `test/*` unless test is in the classpath (i.e. `set-env!`) when it is run. for example, running this from the `boot-check`'s root (`-v` allows you to...

if you'd like to `throw` on eastwood errors you should add `--throw-on-errors` option, or just `-t`. check out the [docs]( ```bash $ boot check/with-eastwood -t ... == Warnings: 11 (not...

your `CI` is saying that `An exception was thrown`, but _it_ (your CI) succeeds the job. This would mean the exception is caught and ignored outside of `boot-check`. try to...

ah.. good point. just to confirm: `boot-check` should depend on `boot/core`, correct?

pushed `0.1.2-SNAPSHOT` including the `boot/core` dep

@martinklepsch, it's doable, would require quite a rewrite though. can you share a couple of examples where users would use boot, but would not need / want a `boot.core` dependency?

great idea about [MapStore]( I saw your question and upgraded chazel to support Hazelcast 4.0+ so you can add this feature on top of the new version, since there were...