Tomas Dvorak

Results 23 comments of Tomas Dvorak

This library is not released to the maven central automatically. You have to either use jitpack or github packages repository to allow maven to obtain the lib automatically:

This package is autogenerated from the WS definition. If you run `mvn compile`, you should be able to find this package and all classes under `eet-client/target/generated-sources/java`.

Hi @yenn, Thank you for noticing this. There are actually two issues: * The cert expired, as you say * Playground switched from qica.der to the same set of CA...

Perfect, thank you! Meanwhile, I merge the branch back to master, to not confuse other users.

Hi Luke, Thank you for your bugreport! I'll try to replicate and fix this issue. Everyone: maybe it's time to integrate some [Docker magic](, to be able to test on...

Hi James, Unfortunately not, not with the current test suite. I am still looking for the cause of this issue. Regards, Tomas

Hi Luke, It could be really helpful, if you could provide some minimized / anonymized collection to run tests against. Would it be possible? It seems, that variety tries to...

We have migrated our integration tests to It's quite straightforward to write a few lines long wrapper that will offer similar API as this library. Thank you ALLEGRO for...

Notes and ideas: - The force-merge operation runs in one thread only (For [force merge]( operations, thread pool type is fixed with a size of 1 and an unbounded queue...

The `elasticsearch_index_optimization_jobs` is by default set to 20, same as `elasticsearch_max_total_connections_per_route`. Which means by default we allow optimization jobs to consume all elasticsearch client threads to be consumed by these...