not easy to fix... I've already tried once, and now i think that it should be done like a hack in ProcDamageAndSpellFor, can't find any other way
i think this isn't a bug, atleast there is no info that says that it shouldn't happen
i need to know how it should work also, when charge is removed and so on
you really using my fork? It was fixed for a long time ago
yes they can be applied at you - but they doesn't slows you
you should check that you really applied
also heard that Anti-Magic Shell doesn't protects you from poisons - is it true?
hm, think it's because when you use Call of Elements totems casted as "triggered" spell, triggered spells can't trigger any other spell if not has one of these attributes ```...
If it casted as normal spell (not triggered) then it will be affected by global cooldown... anyway bug needs more research
this is one of many solutions, ofc we can exclude these spells somewhere else in code