Tobias Lindberg

Results 34 comments of Tobias Lindberg

@LelandSindt, if I recall you are running TeslaMateApi in a k8s cluster. Do you want to try if the implementation is working as it should? :)

> Initial test.. the endpoints are returning 404.. :thinking: @LelandSindt, i changed the endpoints to be located under /api/xxx at a later commit to the feature branch. It's not available...

> going to have to think about how best to cause/test failure... @LelandSindt, should be possible to test by turning off mqtt and then starting TeslaMateApi. Or just configure TeslaMateApi...

8e6242c1fbb00f065b0202bda8d10464d6551b58 didn't work out as working.. created question regarding mapstruct..

Hi @vbarrier, What version of TeslaMateApi and Mosquitto are you using in your setup? Has this issue appeared after you have done some upgrade? You you see some suspicious entries...

Hi @pkuehnel, Interesting case 🤔 Well based on the integration from TeslaMateAPI side, we retrieve the latest possible value from the MQTT server. With that I mean, if the value...

hi @leonelfaugusto and @alecdoconnor, nice suggestion for adding pagination! definitely something that we should have.. the JSON here at home starts to grow rapidly in size as well 😛

> > hi @leonelfaugusto and @alecdoconnor, > > nice suggestion for adding pagination! definitely something that we should have.. the JSON here at home starts to grow rapidly in size...

@alecdoconnor, now you can specify the docker imager with `tobiasehlert/teslamateapi:feature-incomplete-charges` and see if it behaves like you expect it to. Btw, something similar interesting for incomplete drives?

> Hey! I actually tested this with a local build, once I figured out how! It worked great for me. Ok great! I will testrun it and see if I...