Kasun Thennakoon
Kasun Thennakoon
Hi @raklaptudirm & @appgurueu , I have added a test file for `NumberOfIslands` algorithm, Please review and merge.
Thank you @BetaSu
Hi @balazsbajorics , Thank you for your insight. > The good news is that if you write this in code, you can just write idiomatic React and it should work...
Hi @mnaumanali94 , Yeah that's great, Let's have a call, I sent a meeting invitation to your github email, Let me know whether that timeslot works for you, Else feel...
Hi @moon0326 , I check the latest code in the [TryIt.tsx](https://github.com/stoplightio/elements/blob/a02d5a596a8289e883debdabf52a1f2052b648ec/packages/elements-core/src/components/TryIt/TryIt.tsx#L75). It seems like now we can change the request parameters via `onRequestChange ` prop. Haven't tested it though, So...
Thanks @rehanvdm for the suggestion, It worked!
Thank you very much @JacksonGL for the quick response, I will have a look at the MemLab tests and other materials.
Thanks for the curl sample commands, Can't we add a UI element to webui to make it easy for users?
@appgurueu Kind reminder on this
> (the test case names are pretty redundant though) Yes true, But if I merge them together then it becomes a bit cluttered. @raklaptudirm Can you please review and merge